365 Project: October 20 - October 26
Morning routine of walking to the bus stop. Puppy nose. My baby got on this bus this morning and will go on her first field trip without...

365 Project: October 13 - October 19
After waking up with a 102 degree fever yesterday, my baby girl was ordered to a day of R & R. She woke up this morning feeling quite a...

365 Project: October 6 - October 12
I guess Caesar wanted a juice box too. Power went out so we got to stink up the house with lots and lots of smelly candles. Yum. I think...

365 Project: September 29 - October 5
Mady is quite the boy magnet. It is adorable yet frightening. And no, he is not standing on Caesar. That is, in fact, a rock. You can...

365 Project: September 22 - September 28
Caesar walks with me to drop Mady at the bus, and to pick her up after school. The kids go CRAZY over him! Caesar was quiet for more than...

365 Project: September 15 - September 21
Caesar is such a silly sleeper. His neck always has to be at a different level than the rest of his body. The hubs brought home flowers...

365 Project: September 8 - September 14
Last night, we picked up this little cutie patootie. Meet our new 8 week old French Brittany, Caesar Berrett Anderson. Mady is in love....

365 Project: September 1 - September 7
Flew back home last night, finished up with Kindergarten orientation and had to get a haircut for the first day of school TOMORROW! Where...

365 Project: August 25 - August 31
I live for this smile. Wanted to focus in on some details today, so I snuck up close while she was sleeping. :) Landed in San Diego,...

365 Project: August 18 - August 24
This guy is such a pain in my arse, but at least he's got a cute mug.. Right? After Day 2 of gymnastics camp, she seems to be getting...