365 Project: September 8 - September 14
Last night, we picked up this little cutie patootie. Meet our new 8 week old French Brittany,
Caesar Berrett Anderson.

Mady is in love.
![My name is Amanda and I have a wonderfully crazy, full life. I have been with my love, Nate, for about six years now, and have been for married to him for almost three of those. We sure have been given more than our fair share of ups and downs but in the end, we have come out more united and even more in love [too mushy? I don't care.]. We made a beautiful, silly, loving, helpful, sassy little girl from scratch almost five years ago. Yes, you read that right, FIVE. Time really does fly when you're having fun. A little over two years ago now, we lost a baby [at 23 weeks gestation] due to severe health complications caused by Turner Syndrome. Since then, we've created a beautiful butterfly garden](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/03a7d6_61511628572c42f9b09c71f84d622fe3.jpg/v1/fill/w_980,h_653,al_c,q_85,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_avif,quality_auto/03a7d6_61511628572c42f9b09c71f84d622fe3.jpg)
The hubs seems to have a new position in softball... Catcher.

Nightly routine.

They are just too cute for words. <3

Mady had her first "grass drag race" with her snowmobile today. Pretty darn cute, if ya ask me.

Walking Caesar home from the bus stop... Our little nine week old puppy isn't leash-ready just yet.

Please keep our circle going and see what the always-wonderul Charity was up to this past week!