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365 Project: September 15 - September 21

Caesar is such a silly sleeper. His neck always has to be at a different level than the rest of his body.

The hubs brought home flowers and when I asked why, he replied, "It's Wednesday."

My name is Amanda and I have a wonderfully crazy, full life. I have been with my love, Nate, for about six years now, and have been for married to him for almost three of those. We sure have been given more than our fair share of ups and downs but in the end, we have come out more united and even more in love [too mushy? I don't care.]. We made a beautiful, silly, loving, helpful, sassy little girl from scratch almost five years ago. Yes, you read that right, FIVE. Time really does fly when you're having fun. A little over two years ago now, we lost a baby [at 23 weeks gestation] due to severe health complications caused by Turner Syndrome. Since then, we've created a beautiful butterfly garden

We had dinner out tonight and this girl couldn't help but bring in her notebook and color. She loves coloring, drawing "maps" and writing letters in an attempt to accidentally form a word.

Puppy training.

Mady is such a good helper with the new puppy.

A bee on our last bloomers of the year.

My new shotgun rider, scopin' out the neighborhood.

Take a minute to keep our circle going and check out what Beth Ann was up to this week!


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