2017 PRE-Black Friday STEALS!
Black Friday is coming up and since I won't be in town that day,
the deals are coming your way beforehand! Lucky you!!

Up for grabs for this PRE-Black Friday Sale are SIX standard Family Sessions as well as SIX Mini Sessions at DEEPLY discounted rates!!!
The first person to contact me and book their session using a code, gets that deal!
– 1 Family session at 50% off – 45 minute session for only $147.50 ($295 value!) with PROMO CODE 50OFF2017
– 2 Family sessions at 35% off – 45 minutes session for only $191.75 with PROMO CODE 35OFF2017
– 3 Family sessions at 20% off – 45 minute session for only $236 with PROMO CODE 20OFF2017
– 6 Mini sessions at 25% off for only $146.25 (almost $50 savings!) with PROMO CODE MINITHANKS2017
SALE BEGINS NOW and ends WEDNESDAY (Nov 22 at 9:00PM)
Session fine print: Sessions must be paid in full at time of booking. Session must take place before June 15, 2018.